March 21, 2009

Stocking up

In preparation for my next gingerdigs, I had to hit New York Cakes and Baking Supply on West 22nd for re-stocking. This bake-haven is a cakemakers dream--walls are lined with a plethora of pans, pins, icings, sprinkles and toppers.

This is only my second visit, but I bee-lined straight for the back wall to re-visit the lovely ladies I met the first time, who wait patiently to perch atop a field of matrimonial frosting. How cute are they?

I don't know how many wedding cakes require mini-bouffant Barbies in apricot gowns with ivory fur shawls and opera gloves, but it's apparently enough to fill an entire Tupperware bin.

Which makes me love these ladies all the more--they may have been perfectly poised here since 1963, but they still look fierce (as I'm sure Tyra would attest).

Over on the right wall, there is a food coloring assortment that when perused, rivals the elementary-school joy of opening a brand-new box of Crayola 64's. (I chose a lovely Forest Green for making more popcorn trees.)

But perhaps my favorite product discovery in my journey toward ginger-wisdom, is fondant. But not just any fondant, only this particular package of natural skin-tone fondant:

This product exists solely for making little sugar people. Doesn't knowing that just make you feel fizzy inside? Thank you to my beautimous friend (and bad-ass chef) Michael for introducing me to such awesomeness!

I left West 22nd Street with a bag full of goodies and a smile on my natural-pink-colored face!

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